First year completed: It's a wrap - bookwise

The sequel of the book that I published just eight months after Dday is finally out. I got my printed copy today: Sailing BEYOND Infidelity, Is it even possible?

It's been almost 13 months since I confirmed my husband was having an affair. I had suspected it long before and I was gaslighted by him for almost one year since I openly expressed my suspicions. 

Looking back, I can say that this past year has been one of peacefully regaining my sanity, losing my trust on a fellow human being who was supposed to remain faithful while we were married, and realising so much more about life than just those TWO limited menu items I grew up with on the life achievement possibilities. 

It is scary how we were sold these ideas about the soulmate and the perfect job. Supposedly, once you found your purpose in life and "the one" that your gut told you was the perfect soulmate, you would just wake up every morning and be grateful for what you had. After all, you had already found what you needed to be happy. All you had to do was to be optimistic, have a positive vibe to attract positive outcomes. 

No one explained, at least to me, that menopause is a shitty condition that affects our mind, body and spirit. Yes, we all have one whether we are religious or not. Call it psyche, if you prefer, but there is a part of you that FEELS and has nothing to do with the senses. 

I later discovered that, in the curve of happiness along our lifespan, we are at the bottom of the U shaped line during our 40s and 50s. Really? Yes! It has been observed. It seems like those who reach 70 and 80 are so happy to just being able to breathe and still being alive after so many years, that they don't care about the stuff us middle-agers worry about. 

I am now going to plunge into my life as a 70-year-old. I'm planning to wake up every morning thanking my God for everything I have. I will count on me and me only. I will be the best possible mother and wife, hoping that someone will be compassionate towards me when I will no longer be able to take care of myself. 

I love you for reading my blog and for joining me on this journey. I wish you well. Cheers to healing and to happy days. 

